The executive board is your PA/PTA’s administration — it runs your PA/PTA. It should function also as a representative of the entire parent body, which is important to keep in mind when defining its composition. Your PA/PTA’s bylaws should dictate the composition of your executive board.
PA/PTA executive boards are made up, at a minimum, of all officers elected by the general membership but may also include others, such as chairpersons of standing committees. Some PA/PTAs’ executive boards include a number of members at large (parents from the general membership) who are elected at the annual PA/PTA elections or during special elections. Keep in mind that there is no maximum number of members that may sit on the executive board; the more inclusive and robust it is, the more likely it will be able to meet its organization’s goals.
Mandatory PA/PTA officers are president, treasurer and recording secretary. PA/PTAs may create additional officers in their bylaws; for example, many add co-president, vice-president, and/or co-treasurer. Officers are elected for one year terms. Limits on the number of consecutive terms they may serve, if any, should be defined in the bylaws.
Any parent can run for office on the executive board (with some specific conflict of interest exceptions detailed in CR A-660 ). Information on officer elections is contained on the Elections page.
Originally published in 1989 as a business and self-help book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Steven R. Covey, became a best seller and a must-read for many enter.