How to Install IIS in Windows 10 (3 Methods)

This guide demos 3 methods to install IIS in Windows 10. IIS (Internet Information Services) is a Windows 10 optional feature that can be enabled or disabled as you wish.

Option 1: Install IIS from Control Panel

The first method covered in this guide is how to enable IIS optional feature from Control Panel.

Here are the steps:

Option 2: Install IIS with Command Line

As you would expect, you can also install IIS in Windows 10 from command prompt.

Here are the steps to enable IIS with DISM command:

DISM.exe /Online /Get-Features | find "IIS"

The result of the command will display all available IIS features…

You can enable features one by one. You could also install the default IIS features.
Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:IIS-DefaultDocument /All

The command initiates the install…

Option 3: Install IIS with PowerShell

The final method covered in this guide demos how to install IIS with Windows PowerShell.

Here are the detailed steps:

Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | Where-Object | Format-Table

Here are the results in PowerShell (Some of the displayed results are hidden in this image)

The results are displayed in table format because of the Format-Table command. If you do not include the Format-Table command, the results will be listed.

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "IIS-DefaultDocument" -All

The methods in this guide offers you 3 options to install IIS in Windows 10. The methods demonstrated how to perform the default installation.

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