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eBook EUR 4,279.99
Price includes VAT (France)Hardcover Book EUR 5,274.99
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This comprehensive, twelve volume reference work reflects the interdisciplinary influences on evolutionary psychology and serves as a major resource for its history, scientific contributors and theories.
It draws on biology, cognitive science, anthropology, psychology, economics, computer science and paleoarchaeology to provide a multifaceted picture of behavioral adaptation in humans and how it adds to our academic and clinical understanding. Edited by a noted figure in evolutionary psychology, with many seminal and renowned contributors, this encyclopedia offers the full breadth of an area that is the forefront of behavioral thinking and investigation.
Todd K. Shackelford received his Ph.D. in evolutionary psychology in 1997 from the University of Texas–Austin, his M.A. in psychology from the University of Michigan in 1995 and his B.A. in psychology from the University of New Mexico in 1993. He is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, where he is Co-Director of the Evolutionary Psychology Lab. He led the founding of new Ph.D. and M.S. programs, which launched in 2012. Shackelford has published around 300 peer-reviewed articles and chapters and has edited 14 volumes and his work has been cited nearly 10,000 times. Much of Shackelford’s research addresses sexual conflict between men and women, with a special focus on testing hypotheses derived from sperm competition theory. Since 2006, Shackelford has served as editor of Evolutionary Psychology. Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford received her Ph.D. in evolutionary developmental psychology in 2011 from Florida Atlantic University, her M.A. in psychology from Florida Atlantic University in 2004, and her B.A. in psychology from the Florida Atlantic University in 1993. She is Special Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, where she is Co-Director of the Evolutionary Psychology Lab. Weekes-Shackelford has published around several dozen peer-reviewed articles and chapters and has edited two volumes.
eBook EUR 4,279.99
Price includes VAT (France)Hardcover Book EUR 5,274.99
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